The story is about a curator who decided to build a art gallery in space, he designed a series of art pieces that express his creative and zen. Player will experience each of the art pieces while trying to find a way to escape the art gallery. The curator and his AI system SHI will play a import role on the player's trip to the end.
Dialog System
The dialog system controls all the subtitles and audios in game. Subtitle uses nodes system for each line, so it can be switch to one of the 4 supported languages immediately. Audio part is building on top of UE4's audio system, easier for sync with subtitle and control sounds for different channel. ( Effects, Dialog, Music )
Menu Functionalities
Menu functionalities includes everything in Main Menu and In-Game Pause Menu (without visual polish, Alex is the one who made all the good part happened): Switch between different languages, Adjust sound volume for sounds in different channel, Save / Load to specific scene, Pause game logic, Graphic setting, Change mouse sensitivity, Invert control axis.
Refine "Gravity-Field"
Anthony is the one who made the basic functionality of Gravity-Field. The refined parts includes: high-lighting effect when collide with objects, particle effects, visually polish for scaling, improve algorithm for object move correctly when multiple fields intersect with each other, cushion effects when player hits the top of the field.
Curator Behaviors System
Implemented a basic system for actor to do basic behaviors, which includes: moving patterm, speed adjustment, spline patterm, rotate / looking at, follow, idle. Alex is the one who made all the magic happened.
Code Snaps [Download Link]
Video Trailer